Well friends, I have done it. I have begun my life as a podcaster. I think this job fits well... For my first podcast, I wanted to start off easy, and definitely avoid any legal complications. Therefore, I started with a relatively short one, about 25 minutes, just 7 songs. Testing the waters. All bands that I know personally, so hopefully no one will get too mad at me for broadcasting their music. Some of these bands contain very close friends, while others I've only spent time with once or twice; some are in between those poles. But all 7 songs are awesome, and I hope you like them. Here is the tracklisting of Episode 1 of "Beards Are Attractive To Women.":
1. The Sounds - Seven Days A Week (great Swedish dance-pop, met them on Warped Tour)
2. Against Me! - Don't Lose Touch (also from Warped, amazing dudes, my favorite song of theirs)
3. Satisfaction - Nothing, Oh Nothing (singer/songwriter Michael Rosas produced the first couple Sherwood releases, engineered the Summer EP, and is a phenomenal musician, as are the rest of his band -- UNSIGNED)
4. Waking Ashland - Telescopes (two of my best friends in the world, this is from their latest EP)
5. Hot Vegas - Struck Down (young Atlanta band with great potential -- UNSIGNED)
6. Watashi Wa - 10 Years In Separating States (have known Seth, the singer/writer, for many many years; this is his old band but I love the song; new band is called Lakes and they are on the Militia Group now)
7. Surrogate - Upsidedown Pictures (singer/writer Chris Keene played keys in Sherwood for a short time a while back, then in Number One Gun; this is his new project, I think it's coming out on Tooth & Nail Records, and I think Chris Armstrong, our old guitarist/current muse has something to do with it... such a beautiful song. When I first showed it to my friend Thaddeus, he made me repeat it multiple times and demanded I give him a copy)
If you don't know how to podcast, just download iTunes (or you may already have it), and I am sure there is some sort of tutorial there. Or just search it on Google... Right now you can just download the file from my podcast directory, here:
Beards... File DirectoryDon't worry about downloading the ads, just download "episode1.m4p" or whatever. Soon it should publish via iTunes, and then you can just subscribe, and anytime I post a new podcast, your computer will more or less automatically download it, and then you can stick it on your iPod or just listen in iTunes. Enjoy =) Let me know what you think; I have an email address for the podcast:
with much technological excitement,