I Been To Your House An' Seen What You Adore


2 (or 3) albums.

Well, it's 2008. And musically, it;s looking to be a pretty good year. If you haven't been given a shave by the all-encompassing buzz about Vampire Weekend, then I am a little surprised. But don't worry, it's not too late to join in. Pick up their self-titled debut album as soon as you find a record store -- it is worth every penny, and is so far the best album of the year (and it's hard to image anything topping it!).

Similarly, the new MGMT album, "Oracular Spectacular", had been strongly recommended to me by both my musical-guru friend Thad, and lovely girlfriend Jaffrey. I just listened to it all the way through for the first time, on headphones, and am now on my second listen. This, so far, is #2 of the year.

And although I seem to rarely find anyone to match my love for their Elvis Costello-inspired California Pop Rock, I personally have been waiting 4 years, and now the time has come (on April 15th)... for a new PHANTOM PLANET album! This will almost definitely make my top list this year. I can't imagine them doing wrong; not to mention, about a year or two ago I heard them play some new songs live, and loved them. So did Joe, so it's not just a fluke.

Incidentally, 2008 looks to be a good, fun year for me/Sherwood. We are halfway through a surprisingly successful headlining tour, after which I get two weeks in Seattle with Jaffrey and friends, then a trip to Japan, and most likely some time in the UK and Australia later this year. Then a lot of writing, hopefully followed by the best Sherwood record anyone ever thought we could churn out. =) So, glasses up to 2008!



Blogger Melanie said...

I'm glad to hear the tour is going well. :) I'm looking forward to seeing you here.

And 2008 being a good year for music works for me. :)

BTW, ever heard The Myriad? Just wondering what you thought. I'm loving their music quite a lot. They're full cd (their second)comes out in April.

Sounds like you will be busy. Oh, and if you go to the UK, don't forget those long johns. ;) JK, of course. LOL

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
The concert in Atlanta was awesome. Thanks for making my kid's birthday awesome as well. She sure hopes you guys liked the clay figures she made for each of you. And thanks so much for taking the time to give autographs and take pictures with her - she really thinks you guys are great. And as a mother, I think you are all a great influence and I hope you know how much it means to your young fans (and those young fan's moms) when you take just a little bit of time with them when you can. Have fun on the rest of your tour!
Much appreciation......

5:25 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Speaking of music: I got the whole Matchbox 20 concert from the E-Center on my Zune (yes, I paid for it.) It's off the sound board, it sounds like. At least that's the quality of it. I should let you borrow it. I always come really early. LOL They did 22 songs, a very long set.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Sorry about the duplicate post.

I listened to one of Vampire Weekend's songs tonight. I'm not sure what I think. The one I listened to rather reminded me of some weird showtune. :) It's definitely different.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Jess :]] said...

Thanks for the Vampire Weekend recommendation. They're really good. Enjoy the rest of the tour and Seattle and Japan/UK/Australia/Time with Jaffrey/Writing.

You're the coolest, dude.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

I guess we didn't have time to discuss Matchbox 20, which is O.K. because I forgot the wristband anyway. LOL But someday?
Have a great deal of fun in Japan. :) I just know the good people there will love you!

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:14 AM  
Blogger j a f f r e y said...

so...it's nearly 2009 and dan hasn't posted anything else....

9:26 PM  

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