I Been To Your House An' Seen What You Adore


last night

i watched the Living End play an hour-long (maybe longer) set in a parking lot at 10pm after the Warped Tour in Chicago. They are all phenomenal musicians and it was honestly one of the best musical experiences of my life. I wanted to request "Rock This Town" by the Stray Cats, but didnt'. However, they PLAYED IT LAST!! It was awesome. I tried to dance with a friend, but she didn't know how to swing dance. I forgave her, however, because I am a really really good person.



so gabe and i were driving into boise this morning, looking for a coffee shop -- our weakness. as we passed Franklin Road, we looked to our left and saw RedLetter Books & Cafe. Gabe realized at once that this must be a Christian cafe -- RedLetter is a reference to the fact that in many Bibles the words of Jesus are inked red. (The fact that this poses a problem with the doctrine of across-the-board perfection of the Bible will be left for another more jaded blog).

So Gabe and I make a deal -- whoever gets the Gospel shared to them gets two dollars. I bring in my current read, "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris, a book proclaiming the need for Religion to become completely obscure, and Gabe borrows my "Portable Nietzsche". I open my laptop and am generally inconspicuous; I am asked a question about the computer, and I respond politely but am busy sending an email. My book is facing up, cover clearly readable. Nothing. No sharing, no $2.

Gabe's approach is slightly more involved. He strikes up a conversation with the worker I had been speaking with, but is dropping hints like fat kid running with french fries.

"Is this a Christian Cafe?"

"Oh yeah, I sorta grew up Christian."

"I'm not sure the name, I think it was a Baptist Church..."

And yet, no evangelizing. Maybe our friend has been reading too much Emergent literature...

(sorry to those of you who don't get much of this; it is only funny to a certain demographic of people. and your welcome to those of you who totally get this and are laughing hard.)

with love and jade,



so i have actually befriened Fat Mike, the singer of NOFX. this may not seem important to you, the reader, and yes, it's true that i haven't listened to them for about 4 or 5 years, but understand something.

NOFX was my FAVORITE band in high school. Number One.

I have stayed over on their bus. I have written their set list and been made fun of from the stage. I have caused Mike to mess up the beginning of a song that he didn't remember very well, simply by putting it on the list.

My teenage years have been FULFILLED. I am now free to be in my 20s; no more reliving for me, no sir!