I Been To Your House An' Seen What You Adore


bob dylan

been wathing "no direction home", the bob dylan film. it is effecting me pretty profoundly, although i am not yet sure just how. lots of thinking about the tension between the rock and roll life, and isn't it just a lie? an escapte into immaturity that few can afford so lavishly? but then why i am i drawn to so much of it? is this art? is this worthwhile to pursue?

and on the other hand, the book by the fireplace, kids running around on the carpet, beautiful wife giving me a backrub, pennyloafers and a sweater dream. is that one also a lie? where are the lines...

"like a rolling stone" is fast becoming one of my all-time favorite jams...might even make its way into the infamous top 5... beach boys ARE in there twice, maybe i can bump out "wouldn't it be nice".

more dylan thoughts to come most likely

confused, and in adoration of a brilliant musician,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art has always been one of those things that people attempt to give an exact definition to but often times can't b/c the world is always in motion, always changing; its definition is molded by the people who create it, who are constantly searching. Anyway, I hope that's not sounding preachy. I was a reluctant "MySpace" beginner yesterday until I found out that musicians and artists alike make connections there. I'm not a musician but music is intensely part of my life. Want you to know from the tracks I've heard so far, you and your band all sound really good together, and your music is catchy and fun to listen to. It seems like the passion is there, and I believe any person who can take thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions and give them a form for others to experience-- is an artist. So thanks for creating awesome music!

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really know you, but i would say that you are pursuing more than the rock and roll lifestyle, mainly because Sherwood is art.
if you truly stand behind your music every mile on the road is worthwhile.

2:59 PM  

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